
Hi! Ha ha! That’s hilarious about the gas.

I typed it, using T-Rex arms and my dump truck with a pillow on my lap. Thanks for your wonderful feedback. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

No ironing board because living room space is cramped but I do have three side tables perched around my throne.

I’m so sorry you can relate to so much of this. What a bummer of a club to be a member of. Then again, how else do we get so wise and salty?!

All of your gifts are coming in SO handy, and bringing me much comfort. Thank you!!!! Oxox

Much love to you and the favor-doer

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On the 25th I wanted to send you a message of support but really didn't have the words and then somehow it felt too late and possibly intrusive. I was so relieved to see you had posted something but it took me on an unexpected journey from relief, incredulity, anger and to optimism. I will re-read it. Jason is obviously an wonderful advocate, and in this inexplicable care-situation, much needed. When vulnerable, the only thing better than having a powerful advocate, is having one that loves you.

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I just keep thinking "thank god she married the right person" as I read this, and that is not just a compliment to him, but a reflection of you being the apple of his eye for damn good reasons. you two are an unstoppable force. the fact that your sense of humor is intact and sharp as ever tells me you will be fine.

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Mar 5Liked by Stella Lyn Norris

Wow, what a journey! Relieved to hear that you’re gradually feeling stronger, Stella. You’re still writing as lucidly as always of course. Be kind to yourself - ‘tiny steps’; one day at a time etc. Love to you all. 🕊️💙

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Mar 5Liked by Stella Lyn Norris

Wow! Thanks for the update! Enduring a nightmare while radiating love to all; how do you DO that? You both are amazing; you can do HARD stuff. Total love as always.

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Mar 3Liked by Stella Lyn Norris

You guys were certainly in the deep! Glad you're on the other side of the surgery part. Sometimes you gotta lean into, 'hey, this isn't working', in the moment, and respectfully 'go there.' Our body's response doesn't always fit in the box.

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Mar 3Liked by Stella Lyn Norris

Hi Stella! What a crazy ordeal! I am still stuck on Nurse Cruella! I’m so glad you were able to get another nurse on the job. Maybe you guys can learn a cover of this song and add your own words:


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Mar 3Liked by Stella Lyn Norris

hi Stella ~ Thanks for this amazing documentation and account of your experience thus far ~I was wondering how thing were going and all of my questions were answered ( except 1) I can relate to MANY things you shared having been through the "top half" of what you experienced as well as 2 surgeries after my double mastectomy. Cracking jokes right out of surgery "Have you passed any gas ? asks the nurse " I answered: "NO but I'm sure my husband has !" -- They said I was hysterical. Also my husband Gus was amazing!!!! ... and by the end of the 2nd month I would say: " Can you please do me a favor ?" and we would both start laughing hysterically ( it was a common phrase ) Enough about me - I was angered to learn about your Barbie WWW nurse and elated that you advocated for a new person who got you some morphine. I'm going to re-read your piece again cuz there were some very touching points and my weird question is - are you typing this account or dictating ? It truly amazing that you wrote all of this in depth ~ you are a talented writer. Happy you are home and wish you continued T-rex restraint and more and more up-right healing. Hope you are sleeping Ok and did you get your ironing board ( side table) set up next to your " Dump Truck" Chair ? Sending BIG love ~ Beth and Gus Cooke xoxoxo

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Mar 3Liked by Stella Lyn Norris

I read and reread to make sure I got everything. What a demon that nurse is! What I love is that you know what to do...that is courage. And the pain. I have been nursing an injured shoulder for several weeks, that inhibits sleep and you have given me a new perspective. Trust is what I get from you, trust in your loved ones, and in yourself. What inspiration. I am sorry I can't personally help with the pain. So happy you told us/me about what happened. This will be a bestseller soon.

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What a beautiful song! Thank you so much for sharing this story. You are amazing ~ definitely so much more than your body on her journey to recovery. Very best wishes 💖🙏 💐🌷🌹

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deletedMar 3Liked by Stella Lyn Norris
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